1. Leslie 11/03/2024

    Hello, I want to make an online purchase and want to select the local pickup option but first I wanted to know where would the pickup location be.

  2. condecalifornia 13/05/2024

    Hello, the pickup location is at 1842 Nw 20 st. You can call 786-352-6172 for more information.

  3. aaliyah sardnee 28/10/2024

    hi wanted to inform you about a package can yall please send the code to my phone for me to get the package

  4. okorofrancisca8 09/11/2024

    Hello, how do i place a return?

  5. Ingrid Linares 24/11/2024

    Hola me puedes mandar mi número de envío por favor

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